Be Yourself

Randy Jarvis

You will meet a lot of people in your life, some will come and some will go, others will stay awhile.

Some will say who you are is unacceptable, you need to change. You need to fit the mold.

Others will judge you, control you , and even try to destroy you.

But i tell you today that most importantly thing is to be you. Exactly you.

It is wildly exhilarating to declare yourself free from all that everybody is expecting you to do and what you are suppose to be.

Sometimes everything you are “supposed to do” or “suppose to be” is all just a distorted lie that you don’t have to listen to.

You were divinely designed to be exactly who you are, and to try and fit a mold made by anybody besides your creative Father is to rob the world of all the things that make you, you.


Randy Jarvis

As i look back on my life and my greatest accomplishments and greatest feats were accomplished in the “Unknown” period of my life. My deepest love and my greatest relationship is when I stepped out in a unknown territory and left my fears and worries behind.

Will we ever be ready for anything?

To be a husband/wife?
To be a father/mother?
To say goodbye to your loved ones?
To face disease or death?

We will never be

Stop holding yourself back from doing the things you have been to scared to do and doing those things you have always wanted to do.

Ready is a lie and it steals all your hopes and dreams. It paralyzes your feet from moving. It cripples your heart from believing life is most beautiful when living in the unknown.

Don’t be ready, Be free.

Ready is for people who trust in themselves, who want to live small and safe lives. Freedom is for people who trust in the One who made them, who want to live lives too big to be ready for.